ЧАСОСЛОВ. Book of hours. Belgium Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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© The Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, (212) 685-0008

Book of hours. Belgium, 1490-1500

Book of hours for the use of Thérouanne (Hours of the Virgin) and Cambrai (Office of the Dead, calendar); written and illuminated in Cambrai, Belgium, ca. 1490-1500.

Decoration: 13 full-page miniatures, 2 three-quarter-page miniatures, 1 half-page miniature, 20 small miniatures, and decorated margins throughout (see fol. 101r for example of decorated margin).

Artist: attributed to the Master of Antoine Rolin and workshop by Anne-Marie Legaré; formerly attributed to Jacques Pilavaine.

Book of hours. Belgium, ca. 1500 (MS M.390)

book of hours for the use of Rome (Hours of the Virgin); written and illuminated in Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1500.
Decoration: 17 full-page miniatures, 32 small miniatures, borders with flowers, animals, and drolleries.
Artist: attributed to the Master of Sir George Talbot, an artist who illuminated a prayer-book for George Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury and knight of the Garter, ca. 1500

Book of hours. Belgium, 1440-1449 (MS M.82)

book of hours for the use of Rome (Hours of the Virgin); written and illuminated in Belgium in the 1440s.
Decoration: 12 large miniatures; margins with foliate and floreate ornament throughout; decorated initials throughout; Flemish Gothic style.
Artist: Master of the Ghent Privileges.

Book of hours. Belgium, 1400-1415  (MS M.259)

Christ: in Gethsemane

book of hours for the use of Sarum (Hours of the Virgin); calendar for Wessex; written and illuminated in Belgium, ca. 1400-1415.
Decoration: 12 full-page miniatures; Flemish Gothic style.
Artist: Master of Ushaw 

Book of hours. Belgium, Brussels, ca. 1540 (MS M.696) 

Hours of Charles V

Heraldry, Holy Roman Empire -- Arms of Emperor Charles V, surmounted by a jewelled imperial crown and surrounded by the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
Text and miniature enclosed in classicizing architectural frame, supported by two sleeping lions.

book of hours for the use of Rome (Hours of the Virgin, Office of the Dead); written and illuminated in Brussels, Belgium, ca. 1540.
Decoration: 7 small miniatures, 30 half-page miniatures, 1 pen drawing added by a Spanish artist ca. 1575; Brabant Renaissance style.
Artist: Master of Charles V.

Book of hours. Belgium, Brussels, ca. 1475-1485 (MS M.1077)

book of hours for the use of Rome (Hours of the Virgin, Office of the Dead); written and illuminated in Bruges, Belgium, ca. 1475-1485.
The scribe signed Rombout on fol. 204v.
Decoration: 15 full-page miniatures, full illuminated borders on miniature pages and on all facing text pages except fol. 190, numerous illuminated initials, filigree initials, and geometric line fillers; Flemish Gothic style.
Artist: Master of the Dresden Prayerbook.

Book of hours. Belgium, Brussels, ca. 1470 (MS M.93)

Gregory the Great

book of hours for the use of Sarum (Hours of the Virgin); written and illuminated in Belgium, ca. 1470.
Decoration: 24 full-page miniatures.

Book of hours. Belgium, Brussels, ca. 1470 M.59

book of hours for the use of Rome (Hours of the Virgin); written and illuminated in Belgium, perhaps Bruges, ca. 1470.
Decoration: 16 grisaille miniatures, heightened with color.
Artist: workshop of Guillaume Vrelant.